I've not been moved to post much this last week or two, I blame the personal life and will draw a respectful veil there - safe to say when I've got in at the end of the day writing my usual gaming nonesense had not felt appealing. There is still some gaming activity to catch up on though, and I will get round to reports on a couple of wargames and boardgames of late in due course.
This weekend - Sunday the 28th - is the major Leeds gaming show; Fiasco; held as ever at the Royal Armouries (the less said about the precise environment the better, but I'm sure it'll remain the same spot and easy to find!)
Details of traders and so forth can be found here.
The Night Owls will be well represented this year with two games, not only a substantial 'Rorkes Drift' refight in 28mm but also for the first time I can recall something to represent our large fantasy gaming contingent. The Warhammer players had their arms gently twisted into putting on a 'Storm of Magic' display game - given the quality of some of their painters, even if you don't like fantasy games it should be a visual feast!
I'll be nosing around for an hour or so; photographs, and a report as ever, next week sometime.
Hopefully by then I'll be over my blogging sulk and back to a normal volume of pointless exposition...
Perry HYW Longbowmen - WIP
9 hours ago
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