Sunday, October 27, 2019

New Tools; New Tricks...

Well, it finally happened.

After many years consideration - at a level only of 'should I?' mind you - I finally decided to give airbrushes a try.  I was able to pick this package up for under £100 on Amazon; a Compressor and three beginner Airbrushes.

This set is sold for a variety of generic functions, mostly make-up, temporary tattoos and that sort of thing, but the basic kit is what one will need.  One brush is the type that modelers and gamers will really want, but the other two are potentially useful for bigger jobs.  The main piece of kit here really is the Compressor though; this is the part for which the money is really invested, and I was pleased to find that it both worked, and was relatively quiet in operation.

So far I've only used it for a few jobs, but I aim to get practice in with the basic tools here before I decide whether to invest in a better airbrush, a decent one would cost more than all this set, but many users on Youtube give high praise to cheap kit for learning and carrying out the most routine jobs with.  I think that is borne out when one sees the attempts at undercoating here:

These will seem familiar
this is the result of a black undercoat followed by a first layer of thinned white.  Pretty incomplete, and it shows my lack of experience.  But you can see how much finer the spray is as compared to an aerosol rattle can.  It is also a lot simpler to get into all the nooks and crannies with an airbrush, and with suitable ventilation, painting indoors is not an issue.

We will see.



  1. Very nice! I picked up an inexpensive kit a few months ago. I haven't done a whole lot with it but it's sure handy to have.

  2. Even with decent ventilation, I would still advise wearing a respirator when you use your airbrush to avoid breathing in any fine particulates (or buy one of those portable spray booths off Amazon - if you're only airbrushing acrylics, you don't need to duct it outside).
    With those Stormies, when you do the white over the black primer try spraying from an above angle, increasing the angle with each pass until the final pass is from directly overhead - that should give you a gradient from black, through grey, to white if you thin the paint and just use light passes.

  3. I'm going to watch your airbrush experience develop with interest as I have thought about one of these kits for a while. For me it would almost exclusively be for undercoating 6mm castings. I doubt I have the skill for much more than that.
