Clementia and Gebrovia were never the best of friends. Two small states on a fractured continent, they survived the ravages of plague, pestilence, war and religion to enter the new age of enlightenment with shared borders and fistfuls of disputes. Each nation eyed the other with suspicion, and relied on spies for information and vigilant border forces for security.
Whilst the citizens may carry on trade and agriculture as if there was no border, princes, dukes and generals alike preferred to move coloured blocks across maps, and plan for the war that would in their eyes - of whichever nation alike - unite two nations as one under their rightful fist.
All that was needed was an excuse, a spark for the flame, grounds for a war. In 1718 such matters appeared to come to a head, and the smoke that warned of fire first rose...
Formally Ungray Pliskie fell in the domain of Gebrovia, but the crossroads outside the village was considered to be a part of the border. Ordinarily this would have been no issue, but when a chest of sensitive documents was lost from a Gebrovian military despatch in the area, tensions arose.
Rumours swiftly abounded that the chest contained a small fortune in regimental paye; but the word that garnered most attention from the Clementinians was rumour of Gebrovian military plans within the chest. Both sides gathered a handful of available troops, in an attempt to find and retrieve the lost materiel at the first opportunity. Fate would ensure each fell upon it at the same moment.
Local peasants had already discovered the chest, and it had been cracked open to reveal a great mass of coin, startled however, they dropped their booty and fled as two parties of Jaegers closed on the prize, one Gebrovian, the other Clementine.
Lieutenant Pozniezy of the Uscary Jaegers was leading one of several patrols in the area, but it was his that would encounter the enemy this day. Drawn by the movement of the peasants, he led his half-dozen men towards the crossroad. Hat the same time Clementine light infantry were stalking towards the treasure in their distinctive grey uniforms.
Clementine Jaegers, led by Lieutenant Toft |
Lt. Pozniezy and some of his troops |
The first Pozniezy knew of the contest ahead was the crack of fire as a Clementine sharpshooter found his mark. Corporal Cheiznay slumped to the ground with a howl, never again to stir. In a mixture of rage and panic the Uscary Jaegers dashed forward, making the best of the ground as further shots rang out. Clementinians were renowned for their training with the musket...
But for Gebrovians, the truest weapon was the blade, going forward was their favour, and combat with daggers drawn their forte.
Gebrovian men reached the chest and began to drag it back to their territory; in doing so another bullet found its' mark and one of the privates joined his corporal in the cold earth. But by now the Clementines were closing with the Gebrovians, believing their numbers would carry now. Seargent Khehknosi went toe to toe with a Clementine soldier, and deftly finished his opponent, with the butt of his musket.
Lt. Toft, leading the Clementines, braved the hopelessly inaccurate Grebovian fire to charge down their leader; hoping to turn the tide. A duel would ensue, but not before a shot hit Pozniezy in the flank, causing a grievous wound.
The skirmish was swift, and bloody, but from this point it all fell into the grateful hands of the Gebrovians. At point blank range enve their cheaply made muskets could find their mark, whilst even sorely wounded Pozniezy proved a more wary and able swordsman than Toft, who slumped to the ground, a sword in his heart.
Private Janusei delivered the final blows, making short work of two of the enemy. Allowing his surviving comrades time to gather up the rewards and withdraw to safety.
As for the Clementinians, they left empty handed. Three of their men made it back safely to their lines, whilst three, including their commander died, and one, severely wounded, was taken prisoner. The Gebrovians suffered two dead, and the wounds to Pozniezy would see him recuperating for some months. But the vast majority of the pay was recovered, along with the secret orders hidden beneath it.
Tensions flared, with Gebrovia accusing the Clementines of violating their border in an act of outright theft. The prisoner was exhibited as evidence of the transgression. The question would become, what the next move would be...
Only time would tell.
Being the first part of our loose, narrative campaign set in our Imagi-nations: Gebrovia and Clementia. Myself and James will hopefully continue this tale soon, in escalating numbers! This opening game however , was extremely small, and used the Osprey Games 'En Garde' rules.