Regulars will recall my Xmas present to myself. Well about a month ago I began the painting process. And now after four hours of assembly and basing, a couple of hours of clean-up and well over
twenty hours of painting, they are finished:
The entire Warband |
I'm not gonna lie, these were
hard! More and more patient, difficult, intense painting was required on these than any other project I've carried out in the last few years. But the finished results I think really speak for themselves. I'm ecstatic with how they've come out.
I'm especially happy with the flesh tones. It was two even thin coats of a mid flesh shade, then glazed with a couple of passes of red-brown in Vallejo Glaze Medium. Then I reapplied the flesh, followed by a couple of highlights blended with a lighter flesh shade. Most of the work involved a mix of glazes and multiple highlights.
Most of the poses are constructed of four or more parts, with a handful of options. Computer modelling allows for incredibly dynamic and natural poses, but.... they are an absolute pigs to assemble and paint.
The female models in the set are great, anatomically believable, neither musclebound hulks nor struggling to move with the burden of unbelievable front bumpers!
The crow here is attached by one tiny leg joint. It broke four f***ing times in the painting! Nevertheless it is one of the nicest of the models.
This was the showpiece model that sold me on the set to be honest. I love the look of it.
Now the thing is, I don't even intend to play the game, or probably, keep these figures. I think they are going to go up on Ebay at pro-painted rates. If they sell for what I think they are worth I can reinvest in a whole new painting project.
After all, I've had my fun with them.
They're very nice. Great work, man.