Tuesday, May 05, 2020

An End to All [things Star] Wars?


Another day in isolation, another project finished.

It turns out I only had one model left in the Star Wars: Imperial Assault stash, but it was a biggie.

Bring out the big guns! 
This is the General Weiss upgunned AT-ST, though the command model for the hatch had to be left out so it would go inside the box in one piece!  This model, like everything these days was painted with the Airbrush, with some colour modulation of those big panels included.  Then it was a simple job of dry-brushing the edges and sponging on some scratches before giving the whole thing a shaded wash.  A pretty quick job for such a big model.

For several very good reasons this marks the conclusion of the painting side of the Imperial Assault project.  Firstly its all the models I'd bought, the last ones coming last summer.  Second nothing else will fit in the box, it is absolutely crammed.  Thank goodness I built a handy internal storage module to make sense of this lot!

All Star (Wars) line-up
67 models in total gives all three factions plenty of options, and all the content for the core campaign, and a bunch of extras.

But thirdly, it also happens that Fantasy Flight dropped the game around a year ago, and support for the tabletop version (though not online support) has ceased.  There will be no more product in the forseeable future, which means I can draw a line under this one, and just get a few games in whilst their collectible value accrues*.

*Not that this ever really happens for gamers, unless you hoarded 80's gw miniatures and D&D books in a pile of Alpha Magic cards of course....


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