I did some war-gaming.
Not very much compared to years past, in fact I became far more enamoured of board-gaming in 2013-14.
After my funk with the blog and wider dissatisfaction with the figure gaming hobby I found far more solace in playing board games. Things change and all that; I've built a respectable little collection of games and enjoyed being able to play them over the year without the stress that wargames were inducing in me. Board gamers are less prone to the severe personality flaws that make some wargamers such a negative reflection on the hobby; plus a game can be done and dusted in an hour and everything you need to play is already in the box. It just makes life easier.
Over the same period I sold off a number of armies and found a tighter focus. My AK47 Republic, Dystopian Wars, 20mm Pacific WWII and final Epic collections have all disappeared. Time-wise there isn't the space for lots of gaming or painting as things stand, although I am managing maybe two hours a week - where in the past I'd probably average two or three a day.
I bought one rule book, a number of reference books, and about a hundred new miniatures. But only around thirty or so have been painted.
Still it is a step forward, and it feels more enjoyable than it did this time two years ago. Personally, as I've alluded to before, much has changed, and it called me to re-evaluate what I was doing with myself; long overdue, and not yet concluded. Work in progress.
Hopefully in 2015 I'll get better at putting photo's into the blog and posting a little more regularly. Though the profile of the blog will become more of a general gaming roll than a Wargame and painting heavy one.
Happy new year people.
WMMS 2025
7 hours ago
Boardgames are a great way to scratch that itch. I find I'm more picky now with what miniature games I get into, so that I can just focus on enjoying it and not getting caught up with rules minutiae and distasteful personalities. Have a good 2015!