Sometimes Karma keeps on giving, but does so with a wry sense of humour. Having finally sold my Vampire Counts army for just shy of £300, I get handed a pile of freebies from Mantic Games - by the Chair of the Headingley Games Club - filled with guess what? More blooming undead.
On top of that are a bunch of their Orcs and Goblins and a hardback rulebook accompanied by dozens of copies of their paperback edition.
So what to do with them? Well, I don't really want them hanging around; but I can't ignore them, after all the club also gave me that nice pile of WW2 goodies a few weeks ago (which are of more appeal to me at present). So my decision is to try and fashion introductory armies from the models, block based for maximum east of use, paint them fast and use them for introductory games. Ultimately to be donated back to the club for future use.
After a bit of tinkering with lists, and rummaging in my bits boxes for a few spare figures, I was able to fashion two balanced looking 600 point lists, enough to get an idea of the rules. Each will mean painting about 50 figures; not many but I have no intention of labouring on what will essentially be tokens to be used by anybody. Not to say that I don't want them getting in the way of my own projects.
So each unit will be block painted in the bare minimum of colours, and then washed with Army Painter Quickshade mixed with Vallejo Varnish (50/50 mix - seems to work well!). The first two are already finished and give some idea of the intention:
A troop of Wraiths, done with a sum total of 6 colours and the shade. And a unit of Orclings done in a similar manner:
Both of these bases were less than an hours work combined, so hopefully I can knock out the rest of the armies in a similar quick fashion. With my aim for the year being to clear more tat out my house and focus on less projects more thoroughly, it's best for these to get moved on ASAP!
Club Games Day-January 25, 2025
32 minutes ago
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