One of the Nightowls is running a small tourney of Kings of War on the 13th of November. In the run up to that a lot of the club would need introducing to the game of course, and so we ran a couple of intro games at the Headingley club the other week.
I had a game against Andy, who took on the role of the Orcs and Goblins, versus my Kingdom of Men:
Thousand point Kings of War armies are about the size of Warhammer armies of 1500-2000 points. My units of Pike were supported by cavalry on the flanks, against Orcish hordes flanked by goblin masses.
The Orcs came on forcefully, but the key to KOW in my experience (more than other players at the club, at nearly a half dozen games!) is not to expose your flanks. Andy found my heavy attacking force of Cavalry and Ogres rather too effective.
Whilst in the Centre, the small units of crossbows drew in the Orcs to be outflanked by Pikemen and Heroes.
And it turns out that the second key to a strong attack is sequencing. Attack first when fresh, expect to bounce off, but also expect to survive the response of the enemy, then finish him with the second round of attacks. \ideally with flank support. In the end the Orcs fell to experience of the rules more than anything! All over in less than an hour, we even played timed turns and I think I stopped the clock on 25 minutes!
Besides my victory, Mark and Amric had a game with Men fighting the Undead:
I have a feeling it was two nil for the Humans on the night, suggesting that the new army list for them is very potent, or that Kings of War has suffered army creep just like certain other games before it!
Or it could be, that me and Mark knew the rules better than our opponents. Ha ha ha! Anyway, there is a bigger trial of the games due for this weekend, so we shall see...
But at £5 for a complete set of rules and 8 army lists, as a game you can learn fully in the course of your first time playing and play in under an hour; what's not to like?
Age of Chivalry- French vs English
8 hours ago
Really looking forward to playing this more, hope it picks up at the club now that it has 8 armies.