A tiny addition to the Napoleonics has been completed alongside a commission/favour for a friend that I can't show as yet. Whilst batch painting for one task I could put a bit of effort into a small project of a junior command base for my Peninsular French - who are just about of a number to require another command stand now:
rushed photo's = poor lighting choices |
The models are a Foundry figure plucked from one of their bargain buckets, so his actual nationality is debatable, but with a lick of paint he makes an acceptable French Aide Du Camp, who perhaps has personalised his uniform somewhat.
The other chap is a Hinchcliffe Grenadier. I definitely have a soft spot for the old Hinchcliffe models, when you consider they were sculpted from little more than Milliput (if that!) they have a timeless charm and a good eye for paintable detail.
Also finally after a few misdirections, got my basing colours right again.
Hopefully before the end of summer I can get another full unit painted for the collection, the question is whether to go French infantry, Spanish, or British Cavalry?