I went to my first wargames show in two years at the weekend:
Fiasco was in its' usual place at the usual time. I found a lot of the games on show to be visually underwhelming, but I may not have been in the zone so to speak. Only a handful caught my eye...
6mm ACW done with realistic terrain.
Some sort of El-Cid/Crusades game. To be honest I'm sure I'd seen this before, but nice models.
Legendary Games, playing 'In the Grand Manner' as is typical for them, Same figures and terrain as previous games of theirs I've seen, but appealed to my interests.
I avoided talking to people as much as I sought out old friends, but I did run in to one or two welcome faces. It was nice to catch up in a way, but it is always complicated. I have long been one of those who would prefer to pass through this sort of event anonymously and unobserved, it was after all mainly a shopping trip for me. I came away with a couple of books and two battalions of 28mm Spanish Napoleonics. I was in and out within two hours.
There will be many places where you'll get a fuller review of the show, for my part it was enough to dip my toe back in the scene and find the waters aren't completely hostile. Even if the smell a bit foul at times.
Midgard- Britons vs Romans
40 minutes ago