An English tabletop gamer reminisces about years of gaming, documents his many future defeats and so it would seem, mainly compensates his lack of gaming with painting and modelling...
Overall, I'm quite happy with the bright finish of these two, which I tried to keep fairly simple. I did however add a few tattoos to the barbarian.
Now, I'd not so much as read the new VC army list, but I knew what units seemed to work for Jason so that was a starting point; for Jason's part, he was able to conjure up a DOW army to match a VC force, which would also give me ideas of how to tackle his force in future.
I went with a Pair of thirty strong Skeleton regiments, back up by a 20 strong spear armed unit and a 18 strong unit of Graveguard with Great Weapons. An 8 strong unit of Black Knights accompanied two of my Characters for punch, Whilst a spirit host and Bat Swarm covered the other flank as a high mobility attack.
By Contrast Jason used two very large pike blocks and a massive unit of Bearmen, led by Beorn the Werebeast. Those aside he had a unit of Crossbows, A unit of (unpainted, rather spectral) light horse, a smaller unit of knights and some militia.
I advanced to open trying to draw his frenzied troops out of the line, whilst My Knights seemed to draw all the fire. I wasted a unit of Dire Wolves attacking his light horse. The Spirit host and bats threatened his flank, but as yet Jason was rightly unconcerned. In time, Magic wiped out my Knights for no loss to Jason, though my Characters split up and the Wight Lord with them at least was able to chase off the phantomic light horse. A unit of Ghouls did what the Knights could not and charged the enemy heavy cavalry.
The rest of the Skeleton host formed a well anchored fighting line and set the trap for the Bearmen to fall in to.
Which they did, committing the rest of his line to a risky charge. It nearly paid off, but the Necromancer leading the unit of undead they charged just survived (on one wound; about the only bit of luck going my way!) leaving the Beserkers high and dry for a flank charge.
In went the Graveguard and the Vampire general. The fight didn't go well, the Vampire was unluckily slain; but enough was done, only snake eyes would save the Bearmen and allow Jason's centre not to be gutted... 1,1. The roll of two dice destroyed any hope I had of a victory. Instead of crashing in to the flank of his next unit causing panic and disarray, and perhaps allowing me to continue the breakthrough. The Bearmen turned to face their foe.
It was as good as over.
The Dice gods betrayed me at every turn in this game, and I had every chance to win once the trap was laid. Granted my flank forces performed dismally and in terms of Magic I was completely out classed (I summoned 5 skeletons all game). I have a lot to learn about using the VC, and as I have another 130 models to paint for the army I should get learning.
But ultimately when you need threes to hit, and roll 5 one's, and 3 two's on twelve dice; something is trying to tell you it's just not your day...
They (under Gav's command) had two smaller infantry forces either side of the village, and a limited force of cavalry. Their orders were to defend the village in close detail.
My Royalist Horse made a sweep around the flank, forcing the enemy to draw into stand of pike. Meanwhile my infantry began to advance on my left. In the centre the threat of an artillery duel was forestalled by the poor state of the roads.
The Parliament Horse, Heavy on my right and Dragoons on my left, began to counter attack, with some initial success. My infantry on the left however were not swayed by their presence, knowing them as little more than an harassment. Still the Parliamentary guns were advanced too to face us and were giving small fire upon our ranks.
I lost one unit of horse, but routed Gav's heavy Horse in a counterattack. My Horse now attempted to catch the foot unready, but without fortune. On my Left there was the push of Pike as infantry clashed, whilst in the centre my troops finally made progress down the road. Alas my infantry came out of the battle bloodied and too weary to put up a fight, their greater local numbers proving no help. Now the Dragoons were a true threat to us, and our retreat was in danger of becoming a rout. Still my horse should have offered a glimmer of hope, but at this moment the chose to quit the field in favour of looting the baggage train.
To be honest I write it as a close run thing, but really I was comprehensively beaten by Gav! Fun with Black Powder as ever, but my dice rolling and tactical acumen were sorely lacking on this day.
Elsewhere in the club it was a busy night, currently attendance on a Thursday night is running around the 40 mark! Amongst the other games was Wings of War, simple WW1 Aerial combat with an ingenious card based flight and combat mechanic:
Of course the mainstay of the club is GW games, and in one of those, this unit of Chaos Warriors caught my eye.
Whereas some of the terrain included more fantasy islands; have to be honest, if I'd not been given these to do for the club I'd probably not have bothered. Far too fiddly.
It's a long and bitty list which I'll skip the details on; however it rounds up to 96 points on the month, for a running total of 911 versus the target to date of 500. Above that I'm 50% over my target for the year; but too much terrain again!
Pleased with that, I knocked up a little tudor pub; both models are done with middle England in mind, but should serve well enough in north-western Europe:
Another easy little job. But I need to stop fiddling with terrain and get on with some figures!
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