This gave the French plenty of time to move up their own Cavalry to threaten the Portuguese brigade on the left and the Elite elements of the British right.

At the same time the French centre pushed forward en-masse, whilst the British Riflemen retired in the face of their advance. My flanks hurriedly attempted to form squares, but poor command left some of the regiments, including the new 2/10th Portuguese, unprepared.

And the consequences were not a surprise...

Cuirassiers broke the Portuguese and forced the rest of the brigade on to the defensive. The French centre suffered one reverse when one Line Regimen broke, and the other Cuirassier regiment was beaten back by the Guard Battalion it attacked.
Nevertheless, despite time beating us, once again, we were satisfied to consider this another French victory. Clearly Wellington was not in charge of this southern battle.
However this game really brought home an issue we have, either with the rules, or as a group of players, and I think it is more the former than the latter. Again we ran out of time before really reaching a conclusion; particularly the infantry had not got stuck in. Part of the problem is the amount of time you spend looking for counters to give units order; this slows the game no end, mainly due to my having really the wrong ratio's of counters (too many artillery counters too few shooting counters).
Part of the problem though is how easily we get distracted by chat, and admirers of the games. I can blame myself (and a string of texts) for some of this. In short I don't think Napoleon is a set of rules for a three and a half hour club night. Better tried on Sundays I think.
But it looks soo pretty...