Sorry folks, there's not been a lot of motivation to write for the blog again of late, my gaming has been limited and 'Fantasy' heavy of late, and I've always felt my core demographic was more of a historical crowd (hmm, maybe I should run a survey to find out?) so I've not really considered I had much to offer you readers.
But I did spot this today, may be of some interest to some of you:
It would seem Time Commanders, the closest TV has got to putting wargaming on TV in decades is to return, and they're looking for players. Looks like the BBC is in full nostalgia mode, what with Robot Wars presently back on our screens and this to follow.
TC was not the best treatment of our hobby, and obviously was more computer simulation than traditional game, but it did make some efforts to do things right. It'll be interesting to see how it is handled this time around...