
Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Photodump Vol.1: Historicals


Oh hey there, did you miss me? No.... Cool.

If you don't visit Instagram, here's some of what I have been up to.  The intention was to keep the blog for things that require a bit more depth, but to be honest, I never sit down and write those things up at the minute anyway!

So here's the round up of Historical/quasi-historical miniatures from the last few months:

Two more 15mm Bavarian Battalions; IIRC 3rd & 4th fusiliers

Col. Adam Muir of the 41st; Upper Canada 1812

Imagi-Nations Gebrovian Regiment.  15mm Warrior Miniatures

US infantry platoon.  Italy 1943-44.  mixed 20mm.

The Stuart is a rescue of one of a pair I've owned since childhood!

Stug III G.  PSC kit in 1/72 with full treatment of techniques!

So having got the Biblical stuff put to one side, I went off and blasted out some uniformed troops and added to the WW2 collection from mostly the leftovers pile.

However, I am intent on starting a new front for WW2 in 2022, and going down a different early war route.  In a somewhat related regard, I produced a little diorama for an online painting challenge; which gives a clear indication what I have in mind:

Figures are proving a little hard to source, but things are progressing.  This aside I have a couple of historical ideas to start in 2022, and no end of projects to try and finish!

Next time, all the Fantasy stuff.



  1. Assuming Greeks is what you are considering check out Great escape games they have a reasonable selection. I have considered them several times but decided on Norway instead

    1. Good tip, but I'm gonna be in 20mm not 28mm. I'm old school and 20mm I'd my preferred scale for ww2.
