
Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Reinforcements for Imperial Assault

Over the last few weeks I've assembled a modest haul of Imperial Assault mini's, at decent prices to boot.  I've been enjoying putting the game back on the table of late in Skirmish mode, but felt that some additional troops wouldn't hurt, particularly for the Rebels, and Mercenary faction.

 With, I suspect this game gradually sliding into hibernation, it was possible to pick these up at 25-50% off.  Fantasy Flight seems to be throwing its' weight behind the Legions mass battle version, with its over-sized miniatures (bigatures?).

One of the joys of Imperial Assault, and other Mini's Based board games is that I can knock out more than acceptable looking models easily and quickly using the wash shading technique.  Therefore, I was able to polish off the Hired Guns in just a short evening session:
Dengar, another merc will be off the paint table soon, then I can try to match the uniforms of some previous models.  Always a fun task!


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