
Monday, December 03, 2018

Recon 2018

So, I wasn't involved in putting on a display game this year, it was quickly made apparent that the show didn't have room for us, and a scan of the packed rooms showed this to be the case.  On that basis alone the show looked busier than in years past - given it is relatively speaking, tiny - but I'm not in with the traders so couldn't tell you how well they felt it was going.

For my part, myself and oppo Gav met up for a browse of the show and a game afterwards at my place.  I spent the princely sum of £26, on a pack of Spanish Light infantry in 28mm from Eagle Figures, an old Blandford Uniforms guide (always a personal favourite) and some 15mm artillery limbers from the Bring and Buy, suitably cheap and generic for my eye!  Gav picked up a copy of Dragon Rampant for a fiver, which was a huge win in both our opinions.

As to the games, Recon is as I've said before a very local event, and it is not where prize winning, double-page spread in WI (or even MW), games are ever likely to appear.  It is more your club fare, with handcrafted games, charity shop rescues and cardboard armies all making an appearance.  With that in mind, hear are some of the photos I took...

Harrogate's WW2 game possibly the nicest, certainly the biggest of the day

Some sort of 15mm Near future Sci-fi

ACW Skirmish

Decent figures and terrain

Someone ha rescued a complete set of Battlemasters from a charity shop!

Beautiful 15mm WW2 on a fairly basic table


Desert Rats(?)

15mm Ancients from one of the Game companies...

Nice figs, but do those neoprene gaming mats cut the mustard up close?
For me, it's a last chance to pick up some bits in the year, and it's right on my doorstep, so I'll always go along, but Recon really is a 'local show for local people' and so not really worth more than thirty minutes in the car to visit, as it was, myself and Gav were there scant more than an hour.

More on that another time.


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