
Monday, December 07, 2009

Platoon Britannica

Like some sort of nomads they wander the lands seeking places to dwell, occaisionally meeting with acceptance for the their eccentric ways, and other times being moved on.

No, not gypsies, the Platoon Britannica painters. They turned up largely unexpected, except by the contact who invited them, at our roomy premises the other week looking to do, well, some painting. Naturally they had plenty to display as well.

The first thing that caught my eye being this impressive Warhammer diorama:

A Giant, presumably resin and about 150mm tall.

An altogether smaller angel/demon:

And a nice conversion of some Warhammer 40k orkyness:

Not army painters then. But excellent standards and whatever makes you happy!

If you are a keen fantasy painter and looking to hone your skills, or socialise a little, maybe you could do worse than to contact these guys (and, gasp, girls!). It seems from their forum that they organise meets around the country. Just login and get talking...

1 comment:

  1. The Sally Forth diorama is superb. BTW, congrats on the 66th Berkshires, you're painting "turnover", given the high quality, is something I wish I could aspire to.

    Anyway, just posting to say great site and to ask if you'd be interested in joining our small warhammer commnunity of keen gamers and bloggers ? We're always on the look out for quality website/blog owners like yourself and anyone who has something to contribute be it expertise, enthusiasm, miniature pics or new ideas.

    If you are interested, you can find us here:-

    Warhammer Battle forum

    All the best,
    my Fantasy Battle blog
