
Monday, July 27, 2009

War of 1812 - Artillery crew

As you may recall I showed a photo of what looked like unarmed infantry the other week, with the US 17th. Well, they are now finished, and so without further ado, the US Light Artillery detachment:

The figures are some simple but creative conversions on the Perry British. Mostly it was trimming the spare belts and straps away (tedious, but worth it), Clipping off cartridge packs and water canteens to kit them, and adding swords from the unused 'Waterloo period' parts. The shako's were the Waterloo period officer models, but due to the limited numbers available to me I used a Bicorn for the officer, and a bare head.

Cutting a musket or two away to produce empty left hands was necessary too. And this led to a rather appealing look for the officer, clearly consulting his watch to time the opening of the barrage!

Lastly, two of the figures were done as artillery train guards, not a complex job at all.

The uniform incidentally is based on photo's of American re-enactors in Artillery uniform of the period. I have to assume their research is rigorous and accurate, as all I could find on the net was them!
As for an artillery piece for these chaps, the Cannon from my Dogs of War army (which itself was originally from an English Civil War rummage box) will serve for now; though in time a more appropriate gun will appear, I'm sure.

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