
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

More things Star Wars


I've had another game of Imperial Assault in the last (*ahem*, some time longer than is worth reporting), but mainly I have been adding to the variety of troops available for gaming.  Notably a mixture of Mercenaries and Imperials:

Weequay Pirates 
I'll admit, I had to look these guys up, I thought they may be an addition from the Prequels or one of the Disney cartoons, but in fact they come from the Return of the Jedi; in a blink and you'll miss it role:
Oh, hi there....
Yes they come to a bad end on Jabba's Skiff, which just goes to show, being a Mercenary is not all fun and games.  Anyhow, I liked these as more variety to the rank and file of the Mercenary faction, so picked them up on eBay, for around £4 each.  Not cheap, but tolerable.

Also from eBay, I picked up a half dozen more Stormtroopers.  These set me back about £15, which is not too bad.  One group are actually the Reinforcement pack, and so I also got the mission and bonus cards.

As usual, they're all shooting in different directions
I found these a little easier to than on the previous occasion (four or five years ago now).  Practice makes perfect I guess.  These give me 15 basic troopers, accompanying heavy and command troops to build what in IA would be a substantial force.

There are still a handful more models to finish off, but I now have a good variety of models for all three factions in the game.

All good.



  1. Very nice paint jobs - I like the stormtroopers so what is your secret? I can never get them to look right although to be fair it is around 20 years since I tried painting any!

  2. It's pretty simple really: Pure white in a couple of coats over a white undercoat; then a near wash thickness black glaze to all the joints. That's 80% of the job. Corrections in white then near black for the gloves and helmet eyes/mouth. Use a thin liner brush to delicately line the helmet venting tubes. Add a touch of grey to that mix and paint the blasters, then use the grey alone to fill in the patches on the helmet. Finally the whole lot gets a mix of one part Armypainter Strongtone and two parts matte varnish (I use Galleria artists varnish these days) slapped all over it, to do all the heavy lifting on the shading front. I'm not precious to paint colours and so won't make specific recommendations, one pure white should be much the same as another, but by choice I personally use Vallejo paints.
