
Friday, May 17, 2013

Indefinite Hiatus

For a variety of reasons, I've decided I can't really be bothered with the blog at the moment.  Or much in the way of Wargaming for that matter; it is not the welcoming bolt-hole from daily reality it once was; if anything it has in the last months only added to the stress of daily life, and there really is nothing I need less at the moment.  

I've been gaming for over thirty years and blogging for nearly seven, but the latter at least isn't fun any more.

If I kick this off again in the future, it will at least give me the opportunity to clearly reformat my content and editorial position.  It won't have to be compromised as it has become.  In the meantime I'll bid you 'Au Revoir'; until I feel like doing this, until we meet again.

Yeah, bye.


  1. It happens... I'd be amazed if it didn't to be honest.... I've certainly had periods of "reduced interest"..... recharge and we'll see you the other side.....

  2. Good luck. I hope that whatever you choose to do in terms of your hobby pursuits, it brings you some degree of enjoyment.

  3. Sorry to hear that the enjoyment levels have dropped off, and I hope to see you back blogging in the not-too-distant future, when things have got a bit better for you.

    Best wishes,

  4. Sorry to hear that, I always enjoyed your painting, your write ups and general musings. Inspiring stuff all round, so sorry that you've lost the 'va va voom'.

    Hope to see you back blogging some day.

  5. Amazing and just a month ago you put on a peninsular Black Powder game - hmmmm - Well I have had something similar happen to me - maybe its contagious?

  6. Been there done that as they say. Look after yourself and enjoy life what ever you do.

  7. Come back Dean, all is forgiven...
