
Saturday, March 06, 2010

February Pledge

As mentioned, I've not painted in quite a while (though tonight may be a quiet one so who knows), but my out put for February was a good high volume, thanks to choices of easy or small subject matter.

The ACW figure have already appeared on the blog, and they were followed by a commission job for a club member: The 92nd highlanders in 15mm:

Lots of base coat and highlight to give them some depth, but not at the expense of a long paint job; I think they look really nice.

The only other product for the month was a fairly ambitious one; a full 1500 point Battlefield Evolution - World @ War Russian army, complete with armour.

The biggest beef with this lot was the terrible difficulty I had getting the acrylic paint to adhere to the Italieri infantry; even after a soaking in soapy water they fought long and hard. Some needed three coats of paint. Next time I'll spray undercoat first (not black though, unsuitable).

The tanks and the rest of the infantry are Pegasus Hobbies models and delightful stuff. The tanks are supposedly easy-build wargames models, but with thirty parts each are in fact very realistic little models. The running gear in particular is nicely done.

So in total I scored 86 painting points for the month. Well over the target of sixty, but it'll have to be to compensate for the fact I've not even bothered to start a project this month.

Still, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

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